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150th Ballater Highland Games


150th Ballater Highland Games massed Pipe Bands parade

150th Ballater Highland Games 14th August 2014.  Massed Pipe Bands parade down Ballater High Street.

Ballaters Pipe Bands Drum Major signals a turn as massed pipe bands march into Monaltrie Park.                                                                                                                     #BallaterGames2014 (Bill Bagshaw/M.Williams/COPYRIGHT)

Drum Major passes Ballater Church as massed pipe bands parade down Ballater High Street on the occasion of the 150th Ballater Games in 2014

Drum major at 150th Ballater Highland Games in 2014. Massed pipe bands parade past Ballater Church (Bill Bagshaw/M.Williams/COPYRIGHT)

Massed pipe band passes Ballater Station                       #Ballater   #BallaterStation  #BallaterHighlandGames

Massed pipe Bands parade past Ballater Station on the 150th Ballater Highland Games in 2014 (Bill Bagshaw/M.Williams/COPYRIGHT)#dsider

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