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Lonach Games & March


Lonach March & Games

Lonach is by reputation Scotlands friendliest Highland Games. Lonach Gathering and March always takes place on the fourth Saturday in August at Bellabeg Park, Strathdon.

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Lonach banners fly on a beautiful misty Scottish morning. The Gathering comprises of Lonach March followed by Lonach Highland Games.

dsider.co.uk online magazine, photo courses (Bill Bagshaw & Martin Williams/Bill Bagshaw, dsider.co.uk)

The fine tradition of The  Gathering and March has been passed on from generation to generation.   This Gathering is hard to beat for sheer spectacle and is always well attended.  The  Gathering patron is Sir James Forbes whose ancestors founded the Lonach Friendly Society.   Sir James is shown in the slideshow donning his feathered cap to commence The March.

The March is headed by Lonach Pipe Band, followed by Clansmen who carry pikes. Everyone calls in for a dram of Scottish whisky at various patrons during the march.   The marchers call in for a Scotch at the houses of several patrons.

The procession is always traditionally followed by a horse and cart ready to carry anything needed during The Lonach March.  A replacement carthorse was used in 2013 as Rosa the normal horse was injured.   After some initial spooking; at being part of a public event; Wull the new carthorse soon settled into his role.